Follow my journey as I serve as a pilot with Mission Aviation Fellowship in Papua New Guinea.

Monday 30 November 2020

Rubbish photos of cool things

I enjoy taking and sharing good photos, so I nearly didn't bother posting these ones because they are so rubbish. But the subject matter is too cool not to mention, so here goes...


November is prime time for whale migration through the Wetar Strait. On a couple of trips to Oecusse recently I managed to spot some! The second time I had my camera.

Rubbish photo of a whale from 3500 ft

A volcanic eruption

Also on a trip to Oecusse last week, I saw a strange cloud in the distance. This wasn't the usual towering cumulus - it was growing much too quickly for that and had the wrong shape. I realised it must be a volcanic eruption.

It took a few days for a news article to emerge, but here is some more information. The volcano is Lewotolo, about 130 km northwest of Oecusse.

Rubbish photo of a volcanic eruption

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