Follow my journey as I serve as a pilot with Mission Aviation Fellowship in Papua New Guinea.

Saturday 25 April 2020

COVID and culture shock

Here's an interesting and encouraging video I was forwarded this week: "Culture shock: Why everyone's feeling it, and how to cope."

An important part of missionary training is understanding the causes and symptoms of culture shock and how to cope with it.There are a number of parallels between this and the current global situation with COVID-19:
- a sudden culture change: differences in how we live, communicate, greet others, work etc.
- disconnections between our expectations and reality (e.g. being able to buy what we want from the supermarket)
- feeling incompetent about navigating the new world
- a sense of grief at things we have lost from our 'old life'

Things we can do to help ourselves cope:
- Be realistic about your expectations. Navigating a new world is exhausting. Most people in culture shock might only be able to function at 60% of their 'normal' capacity. Tell yourself it's ok if you don't get as much done today as you were hoping to.
- Realise that everyone is in the same situation and extend grace to them.
- Keep some sense of normalcy, e.g. meal times, family activities.
- Maintain a daily rhythm, e.g. if working from home, start and stop at the same time, get dressed, set aside a work space. Set aside time for prayer and Bible reading, exercise.
- Don't feel bad about withdrawing to a place that feels normal e.g. watching a favourite movie.
- Be aware that it won't be the big things that get to you, but the little things.
- Think of things you can be thankful for.
- Remember that with time, you will adjust. You will feel more competent and resilient.
- Remember that all disasters come to an end eventually.

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