I took the opportunity over the Christmas break, while the FTC was closed and flights back to NZ were reasonably accessible (compared to any of the other MAF programmes), to go back to Wellington for a couple of weeks. While this wasn't an official ministry partnership trip, I did make an effort to catch up with a number of people. My parents hosted an 'open house' for anyone to drop in and say hello, and I gave a short presentation at my sending church, Calvary Chapel Wellington.
It was kind of weird being back - although everything was familiar, I didn't have a 'home' to go to (since my house is now being rented out) so was staying with various people and living out of a suitcase. I guess I am still in that 'transition' phase, where you've got a foot in each of two cultures and places. Interestingly, on returning to Cairns and driving north out of the airport towards Mareeba, looking at the hills I felt at home.
I used to joke that 'Home is where your fridge is' - that doesn't apply so much now that I have a fridge in NZ and a fridge in Australia! But I've come to realise that home is being in God's will. And for now, that is in Mareeba.
Going for a bush walk with some friends from church |
Nothing says 'summer' like watching a game of cricket at the Basin Reserve! |
Departing Wellington early in the morning |